Month: December 2021


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Unconscious reactions)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued, today we will talk about the way you can check the results of your work on alien energies and programmes deliverance. First of all, of course, by your reaction to the people and events taking place around you. Yet, my dear, it is of huge importance to track the very first reaction – the very unintentional impulse that triggers all the chain of your thoughts and emotions that follow. Why is it so essential? Because...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Magic list)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the inner component of your personal “purification zone”. For more than five years you have been learning to get rid of the negative third dimension world programmes cleansing your subconscience from everything dark, alien and nonDivine. So now it is time to summarize the things you have already managed and those you still have to handle. And this is what we will start with. Before all, make up a list of your weaknesses – the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Purification from third dimension world excess)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will look into one more aspect that concerns the so-called “purification zone” through which humanity is to get to the road to Ascension. And this time at issue there will be the way you can overcome the barrier separating your usual existence in the third dimension world from the society you are soon to live in. Each of you has your own notion of the ideal life you were striving for in the third dimension matrix. It applies to your conditions...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (“Reefs” of Transition)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message, let us now consider what “invisible obstacles” on your way to Ascension are. Of course, these are, first of all, your inner worries that you yourself are sometimes not aware of. These are invisible thoughts that are launched by your subconscience. As you know yourself, the third dimension world programmes have become so deeply rooted there that they became your second nature. They are the very unconscious...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Visible and invisible obstacles of purification corridor)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! One of the main elements of your individual “purification corridor” is realizing yourself being an “onlooker” in this third dimension world that is falling down to pieces where you came of your own free will. In other words, you yourself decided to “pay a visit” here during this renewal period so dangerous for Earth – both energy, and physical one. Your ancient Souls decided to have a durability test and plunged into the whirlpool of the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (The one who is in no hurry is in time for everything)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more habit of yours that is so hard for you to get rid of. And at issue there will again be impatience that many of you are susceptible to in big and small. And this time we will dwell on the phenomenon in a deeper meaning. It is based on the fear of death deep-rooted in your conscience that has been cultivated for centuries in the third dimension world both by secular and religious institutions of power. Therefore,...

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