Greetings, our dear ones! Hyperborean Priests are speaking to you on behalf of all Agartha representatives. You probably feel that you are at the very threshold of Ascension. That is why all of us: other planets’ inhabitants and civilizations of the parallel worlds on Earth – are trying to give you support both moral and in terms of energy. Right now it is essential to join our efforts so as to help you eventually throw off the yoke of the Dragon reptiles who seized this beautiful...
Greetings, our dear brothers and sisters! My name is Tche, and I am the High Priest of the underwater civilization of Aquator. It can be said that we are your closest neighbours since we also live on Earth. Our habitat is seas and oceans. And although we exist in the space parallel to yours, under certain circumstances we can contact people physically. It allows us to help people in danger just as dolphins do – our beloved water brothers. Unlike them, we are invisible to you though sometimes...