THE TRIUNITY OF THE SPIRIT, THE SOUL AND THE BODY (‘Communication’ with the maternal soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s continue talking about the way the Maternal Soul can interact with Its embodied particles. This interaction is sure to occur only at the subtle plane that is at your subtle body level, mostly, at that of the atmic and buddhic ones. But sometimes It manages to reach for the mental and emotional bodies of humans. And this is how it happens. When either positive or negative emotions are at their height there is a gigantic energy outburst effecting...
ДалееTHE TRIUNITY OF THE SPIRIT, THE SOUL AND THE BODY (Principle and essence of soul division)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the Soul’s structure and I will explain to you the principle and essence of Its division into numerous particles. This division main purpose is determined by the Soul’s desire to get priceless experience of living in the worlds of lower frequency vibrations which gives It opportunity to travel a unique path of evolution in its spiritual aspect, first of all. Every Soul is one of the particles of the unity in Its...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we go on talking about the structure of the Soul. In Its desire to enrich Its knowledge and skills and to experience as many variants of dense body existence as possible the Soul divides in twelvefold geometrical progression. There is the Maternal Soul to help It to manage this flood of information, to process and synthesize all the Soul’s particles data. Nowadays nearly each human being living on the planet is a part of the Maternal Soul and they...