Day: December 9, 2017


The Second Coming of Christ (Pontius Pilate)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue with our story. Mother Mary’s premonition has not deceived her. Numerous denunciations, written against Yeshua and coming from all the corners of the land of Judea and rumors about his sermons, has finally reached Pontius Pilate, a Roman procurator, who at that time was the main ruler of Judea. He wanted to look by himself at this strange man, who inspired such controversial rumors. Some people called him God, while the others...


The Second Coming of Christ (Winds of Wandering)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, let’s continue with our story. After his first successful sermon, Yeshua decided to continue such communications with the people. But now his preaching had a different foundation, after finding that “key,” which he has been seeking for so long. That knowledge, which he has learned from the Essenes, and later has completed in his communications with the Priests of Agartha, he could now teach to the people together with the Symbol...

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