WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Epoch of disagreement)

window-on-new-world-epoch-of-disagreementGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we start a new topic with you, the one that is actually not new to you but this time we will consider it from a little different angle.

And at issue will be the attitude towards the people who do not share your point of view.

Since such people are in majority among those who surround you now, you should work out clear tactics of interaction with them so as not to do any harm either to them or to yourselves.

What can your disagreement be in?

Before all, it is in a general approach to life and the reality that exists now.

As a lot of the things now in progress in the world feature negative character, the overall mood of people is mostly oppressed, dispirited and sometimes aggressive, too.

And very often when they see someone calm, reserved and balanced, they take them as indifferent or even heartless.

The fact that you see everything that is going on as appropriateness – as an indispensable stage of Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension  – cannot be explained to everyone since the majority of the people who know nothing about Ascension will not simply understand it.

They act in accordance with the things they know and understand, that is, they think in terms of the third dimension world drawing conclusions on the basis of the previous experience both historical and that of their own.

And such kind of perception of the current events features hopelessness.

In their conscience, as a rule, such people predict a horrible future for humanity: digital society that is controlled by artificial intelligence and total submission of humanity.

Moreover, not few are the examples of this that can be witnessed in many countries of the world and this process is gaining in scale with every single day.

And some people who are far from this knowledge simply complain of life: economic hardships, injustice, corrupted government, incompetence of the authorities and many more.

Apart from this, there is a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine that has directly influenced hundreds of thousands of people this time.

This tragedy leaves no one indifferent and the general energy profile concerning this conflict is ominous indeed.

This negative energy is being constantly replenished not only by the inhabitants of Russia and Ukraine but also by the nations of many other countries now that are indirectly involved into this conflict and incur economic losses because of this.

This issue is widely disputed accumulating more and more new details of the negative character.

And I understand that it is impossible for you to remain alienated – keep silent not expressing your position in terms of the critical issue everybody are concerned with.

It is especially hard for those of you whose family and friends have the point of you opposite to yours.

As a result, in families, at work and among friends there arise conflicts and misunderstandings, which hurt really a lot all the participants of the disputes and discussions on these topics of the public concern.

Yet, it is always possible to find the way out of such situations – the best variant to solve the dispute, which we will talk about next time.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on May 27, 2023.

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