transition-to-the-fifth-dimension-energy-firefightersGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will go on speaking about the way you can transform energy space in a more effective manner.

But this time we will consider it from a large-scale point of view and will discuss how to extinguish “seats of tension” appearing in this or that part of your planet.

The principle of such work will be the same as in case with a single person yet, there are some peculiarities.

Let us cite the following case.

Suppose, you feel tension increasing in your city or country caused by the people being discontent with standards of life or the current events taking place there at this moment.

The range of causes can vary greatly – authority corruption or inefficient governing of the country resulting in common people’s life deterioration.

As you understand, this situation has a lot of people involved now.

On the government’s side they are obsessed by greed or simply ignorant officials, while on the population’s side – they are people aggressive to them.

Therefore, there are already two seats of tension and, besides, it is almost impossible for you to see specific faces – energy initiators of the passions.

So, what should you do in this case?

At this point you will be supported by the Higher Powers and your Safeguard Angels who, unlike you, see rather well not only the whole picture of the current events at the subtle level of Earth but also individuals who are main generators of negative energy – the very “places of origin” in terms of energy and on both the sides at that.

That is why in order to “put out a fire” you should work with both the sides, that is with the people who create the volatile situation by their behaviour and with the ones who make it sustained by their discontent.

It is necessary to start with the former ones – the representatives of authorities that are the “place of origin” of the fire.

Having invoked all your Heavenly patrons and the energy of the Great Central Sun, ask them to cleanse the conscience of the people whose actions resulted in the discontent of the population and their energy space from all the negative energies and the astral beings inhabiting it.

Do not forget at the same time to open the Portal of Light to give the chance to leave to those astral beings who are ready to ascend to a new level of their existence.

This purifying stream can be really powerful and prolonged. And you had better wait for it to cease completely.

It is after this when you can pass on to the next step of your work.

Ask to cleanse the conscience and the energy space of the people generating negative energies towards their government or local officials.

In this case the stream can be even more powerful since endless discussions of painful problems have already given birth to crowds of astral beings feeding on the energy of discontent.

The results of your work are certain to show themselves little by little but they will show by all means since Light always dissolves Dark.

At this point though it is really crucial not to get emotionally involved into the process of people’s conscience and energy space purification being just a clean channel conducting Divine energies to Earth.

Everything will be done for you by the Higher Powers, and your part is to ground these energies helping by this the Higher Powers to adjust them to the present-day conditions and to the vibrations of the people they are directed to.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on November 1, 2019.

Обсуждение: оставлено 5 коммент.

  1. Nancy says:

    J’apprécie infiniment ces messages et les ressens comme justes. J’expérimente par ailleurs toutes les pratiques spirituelles, du moins celles qui concernent le travail individuel. Je reste perplexe lorsqu’il s’agit “d’interagir” sur un niveau global, ou/et impliquant d’autres personnes car je considère le “libre-arbitre” comme une loi universelle inviolable. Est-il permis “d’imposer” la Lumière à ceux qui n’en ont pas fait le choix?

    1. Eduard says:

      Si quelqu’un a foiré dans votre maison, vous n’avez pas à gronder une personne pour cela, mais vous avez le droit de faire le ménage.

      Je m’excuse s’il y a une inexactitude de la traduction.

      1. Nancy says:

        Merci pour votre réponse.
        Bien sûr, je nettoie ma maison, mais je ne me sens pas autorisée à nettoyer les personnes qui l’ont salie. J’ai le choix à ce moment, de ne plus permettre qu’ils y entrent pour la souiller. Je continue d’être gênée par le fait de nettoyer la conscience des personnes, parce que c’est leur libre-arbirtre d’être ce qu’elles sont, je peux juste leur montrer une autre voie et les laisser libre de choisir.
        Est-ce que mon respect, des autres et de cette loi divine, est poussée à l’extrême?

        1. Eduard says:

          Vous avez tout a fait raison.

  2. Nancy says:

    *”qui l’ont salie


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