THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Structure of astral world)

the-world-of-astral-structure-of-astral-worldGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will go on talking about the world of astral in all its variety and abundance and I will focus on its structure.

The comparison with honeycomb is likely to be an appropriate one. And there is a reason for this.

Its cell structure allows astral beings keep their energy “privacy”.

Therefore, different quality and frequency vibrations don’t intermingle and it enables astral beings to accumulate energy of this or that particular kind.

This is the reason of their being safe and sound. And everybody benefit from this division.

And I will explain why.

For example, if all kinds of negative energy were accumulated by one single astral being it would be unable to “digest” them, for its energy potential is not that high.

That is why it prefers feeding on one particular kind of energy which is most delicious for and most typical of it.

So, it sorts out negative kinds of energy generated by humans attracting the most typical of it according to the vibrations frequency.

What does happen to someone obsessed by several passions like, for instance, offence, jealousy and envy?

That kind of person feeds several astral beings at the same time and they, like bees, swarm around them in that way maintaining the vibrations frequency corresponding to these emotions.

One becomes really possessed by the beings and if one fails to block their way the outcome may be sad.

The expression “to commit a crime in the heat of passion” is a common knowledge. These are the low frequency beings who drive one to the condition like that. They totally rule one’s conscience and make them do the things that generate the desired energy in the most concentrated form which is a real feast for them.

And the committed crime triggers the chain reaction that results in some other negative emotions such as sorrow, pain, fear of losing someone close and others.

This is the way astral beings of all kinds step by step gather in the energy “tribute” for their honeycomb and humans are unaware of paying it so generously.

What if one realizes it is a low-water mark and tries to break free from one’s passions? What happens in this case?

As a rule, one in despair starts calling on the Higher Powers.

And They always hear you and come to you, my dear ones! They start filling your subtle bodies and the space around you with the Divine energy of Love.

It looks like dolphins fling themselves into the breach and raise a drowning man to the surface.

But it is you who everything else depends on.

Your Heavenly helpers can grant you a chance of salvation encouraging you to choose Light but if you refuse “swimming” towards It you will start “sinking” again.

They can’t change your conscience but just grant you a flash of illumination and it should be followed by hard work of your Soul on moving to the Light – painstaking and slow, patient and systematic…

What happens with the astral beings in this case?

Having received the Divine Light blisters they will have to keep at a respectful distance. They go on watching their “victim” from there and wondering if one will be able to maintain the high frequency vibrations granted by the Higher Powers.

And if one gives way to the low frequency emotions again they fall on their “food” with good reason.

In my following messages I will tell you how to treat your invisible “companions”.

Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.

Channeled by Marta on May 25, 2018

Обсуждение: есть 1 комментарий

  1. Matteo says:

    Thank You from the deep of my Heart for this marvelous, for this help.
    Send You all my Light and my Love



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