Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how you can anchor in your subconscience the new programmes containing mental concepts of the Fifth dimension now. But before this I would like to explain to you what the difference is between the stereotyped mentality of the third dimension person and the Human God’s conscience. While back in time it was stereotyped – pattern mental and behaviour reactions that were implanted into your subconscience, now at the threshold of...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Vibration frequency leveling of five lower bodies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the process of vibration frequency leveling of your causal body with the three lower bodies that are now a single energy unit. But by the time you start work at the causal body, it is really important to bring to the same vibration frequency your physical, etheric and emotional bodies. To make sure that you have succeeded in this, you can use the following method. Having made the train of thoughts stop and having reached the state...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we are moving to the causal body and its role in your new light crystalline body formation. As you know, it is exactly the body that is responsible for self-expression of a person that is manifested in all creative aspects of life. As for the people of the third dimension world, who are the majority on Earth, it shows itself in speech patterns, overwhelming thoughts, analysis of these or those events, reasoning, arguments, idle talk and sometimes in...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on speaking about the mechanism of energy influence of human conscience on the body. As it has already been said in my previous message your thought resembles an energy “ray” that you can direct to this or that part of your body, to this or that of its organ. And the impact it makes on your body depends on the energy this “ray” conveys. To make it easier to imagine you can compare it with a laser ray that has a wide range of...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Synchronization of physical and etheric bodies with emotional one)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to move on to the next step of your physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. And we are going to speak about your physical and etheric bodies synchronization with the emotional one. It will be based on the process triggered by you aimed at erasing borders between the two lower bodies since each new step of the work at your new body results from the previous one. Thus, not having rarefied the physical body to the...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Consolidating the result)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how you can maintain the vibration level of your new subtle material body during the day and not just during meditations and practices. To achieve this you should consolidate the result of your work at the subconscious level. In other words, you should install a new programme on your subconscience, the one that will maintain the vibrations of your new body at the appropriate level. Everyone will carry out this in their own way. You...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Subtle material body creation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to sum up my first three messages on practical work with your physical body. So as to see the first results in a shorter time, try to combine all the three practices that were spoken about in the previous messages. Take the “Air body” practice as the corner stone, the one you can do literally “on the go”, and gradually add “Synchronization of the physical body with the first chakra” and then “Gutta-percha body”. But this...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue speaking about light crystalline human body synchronization with its subtle sense organs. This time we will focus on the second chakra and the etheric body. In order to make them synchronized with each other you should involve all your imagination since the etheric body is an exact matrix of your physical body. Meanwhile the molecules your physical body consists of are getting transformed turning into crystals, your etheric body will...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Synchronization of the physical body with the first chakra)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about your physical body transformation into a light crystalline one. And this time I would like to draw your attention to its synchronization with your chakra system. Since in the Fifth dimension there come into the picture your subtle sense organs, your new subtle material body should readjust itself so as to meet the requirements of all your chakras as much as possible. And this is what it means. Your new body should get fully...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the practical part of work at your physical body. If you have already put into practice the new nutrition approach consuming only high vibration foodstuffs and have cleaned your energy space from everything that retarded your headway, then your conscience is ready to start work on transformation of your physical body into a light crystalline one. And today I will give you the first practice that will lay the foundation of all the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue speaking about the way you can influence air you breathe purifying it from low vibration energies. In my message about interaction of humans with Air Element it has already been said that you unintentionally imbue it with your energies while breathing. And now you can use this ability of yours to intentionally change the structure of the air that surrounds you. Thereby, you will resemble a “filter” going through which the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, you have already understood that your energy purity is influenced not only by the state of your soul but also by numerous external factors – such as, for example, nutrition that we spoke about in my previous messages. And as significant in its influence on people is what they breathe – in the literal sense of the word that is the quality of the air of their residence. While you can readjust your approach to diet picking up useful food and drinks of...