Tag: Father – Absolute


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy exchange of Twin flames existing in different dimensions)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will study a more complicated variant of Twin flames energy interaction when they live on different planets and in different civilizations and, consequently, at different vibration levels. This is the most common variant of their existence, and now I will explain the reason for this. As a matter of fact, the main aim for every Soul is spiritual growth – advancing to a new Divine level of its development. And since Twin flames are two halves of one...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of Twin flames simultaneously embodied on one and the same planet I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of their energy interaction. No matter whether they know each other in this life or not their energies are ALWAYS of the same vibration frequency. And it is accounted for by the fact that Twin flames are the One Soul’s particles – its feminine and masculine side. So, while Twin souls’ vibrations...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue speaking about Twin flames existing in the same dimension but this time we will discuss the case of those who failed to meet and reunite, for example, on Earth. How does their energy interaction occur, for in spite of the fact they did not manage to meet they do not stop being one whole – “communicating vessels”? Since there are no boundaries for energy, the energies of Twin flames influence each other just the same way as during...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from the topic of new society creation and to talk to you about what you call “significant dates”. It is applied to any holidays, your birthdays and unusual days in terms of natural phenomena, such as solar and lunar eclipses, parade of planets, some days unique in energy strength from astrologers’ point of view… So, what is the impact they make on humans and how should you behave on such days? For a start, it is...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Twin flames’ energy interaction)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about the Twin flames existing at the same vibration level. So, today we will dwell on their energy interaction. As an example let us consider a couple of Twin flames who have met on Earth and managed to switch over to Service. In my previous message it was mentioned that in a couple like this people are always mirror reflection of each other. But the notion “to mirror” does not always mean to see one’s copy in the...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the discussion of the energy interaction between Twin flames. And we will start with the rare cases when they incarnate at the same time at the same place and, consequently, at the same vibration level, for example, on Earth. Unfortunately, even if this is the case, Twin flames hardly ever manage to meet at the physical level, let alone to create a family. And there is a reason for that. Being One Whole at the energy level, the feminine...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Maternal Soul and Divine Self interaction)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on the interaction of the Maternal Soul and the Divine Self. Despite all the diversity of its particles embodied in different worlds and different dimensions it is by means of the Divine Selves that the Maternal Soul keeps in touch with each of them, and they also function as energy converters for the energies incoming from both the sides: from the Higher Selves’ particles incarnated in physical bodies on the one hand and from...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Interaction of different dimension Twin souls)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about how the energy interaction of Twin souls occurs in practice when they find themselves in different dimensions. As you understood from my previous message energy interaction between one Soul’s particles happens by means of their common Divine Self that like a wonderful “gardener” takes care of every “off-spring” rooting at this or that planet, in this or that civilization. But all this diversity is in ONE “garden” for...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (You will gain by giving away)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue speaking about Divine Self and its role in the interaction of one Soul’s particles connected with it. And right now we will consider the other example – what energy impact the phrase “I love you” has on all the Soul’s particles. If a person pronouncing these words really puts all their Love into it – Unconditional and Unlimited – they introduce into the complex and multistage structure of their Soul – up till the...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you the practice that will help you treat the things that happen to you more consciously. Now it is important not just watch the world affairs that start developing faster and faster but promote their unfolding in the required direction. As you have probably understood, the situations that many countries of the world recently find themselves in are brought to absurdity, and the reason for that is the fact that the dark forces...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Distribution of energy among one soul’s particles)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about Divine Self’s contribution to the interaction of one Soul’s particles. Drawing an analogy with the physical human body the Maternal Soul can be compared with Heart, the Divine Selves in its “charge” can be compared with large blood vessels, while Higher Selves – with capillaries. But instead of blood in this complex vivifying system of Soul’s “body” there circulates Energy. This system is self-purifying. And...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (One soul’s particles energy interaction at the Divine Self’s level)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to touch upon a more complicated topic – energy interaction of one Soul’s particles at the level of the Divine Self. The main difference in this case is their interaction vibration level that originates in the Divine graduation of the Soul. The mechanism of the interaction like this can be compared with energy cascade that I offered you as a practice. Thus, the “heart” of the Maternal Soul having taken in and filtered the energies...

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