Tag: Father – Absolute



Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be some kind of a warning to those of you who do not feel energies very well and who are used to believing words especially of the people who they are in the habit of considering pure and light souls. As a matter of fact, now when the battle between the Dark and the Light Forces has already reached its final stage, the “filthiest methods” are being put to use this time. Reptiloids and clones are doing anything to get control of...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Transition to new energy space)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to a new topic that has a lot in common with what we have been talking about for previous months but this time it will become more sharply defined. We will talk about Transition from the point of view of practical steps you are to take in the nearest future. As you already know, the acme of the Transition into a new energy space falls on the end of December 2020. It is the very moment when a powerful energy surge will take place that...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Fire Element and man on Fifth dimension Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk in some details about the Element of Fire and about the way it will show on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension. And this time we will consider it from the point of view of its presence in man. To get a better understanding of how closely you are connected with it, you can remember such expressions as “fire of your Soul”, “burning heart”, “passionate fire”, “brain is boiling”… All of them are based on the Element of Fire...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Air Element and man on Fifth dimension Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what the relationships of man and the Element of Air will be like on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension. Air, just like water, is an essential element for people, and the kind of air they breathe in determines their physical and psychic condition. In other words, the quality of air is one of the chief components of human spiritual health. And a glaring example of this is an absolutely unacceptable situation with masking. It has...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Water Element on Fifth dimension Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the climate of the Fifth dimension planet, and how man and five natural elements will coexist on it. We will start with the idea that the fifth element – the Element of Love – will become the general background on the new Earth, and absolutely everything will be imbued with it: nature, people, animals, birds and, of course, the rest of the four elements: of Soil, Water, Air and Fire. The relationships of man and Earth were spoken...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Animals and birds of New Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the animal kingdom of the Fifth dimension Earth and this time will deal with wild animals and birds. What kind of communication will man have with them? Same as with domestic animals – on equal terms. Since in the new high vibration space both from people’s and animals’ life there will disappear fear, they will not avoid each other any more but, on the contrary, will be eager to communicate, and the reason for that is...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Domestic animals in Fifth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the Fifth dimension man’s relationships with animals. Communication with them will advance to a quite new level. It can be called relationships on equal terms, and this is what I mean by this expression. While in the third dimension world animals can understand people without words being guided by their intuition, that is, scan human energies, in the Fifth dimension such ability will also be possessed by people this time. But...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plants in Fifth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about interaction of the Fifth dimension man with the renewed Earth and now will focus on their relationships with plants. You already know, my dear, that even in the third dimension world these relations vary greatly and are mostly dependent on human energies. Some people have “green fingers” or “good hand” as you are used to saying, while some others do not. And such expressions have grounds to arise. “Good hand” is...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Being one with planet)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the Fifth dimension man and will speak about their interaction with nature, elements, the animal and vegetable kingdom of the renewed Earth. As you already know, your life in a new high vibration space will drastically change not only in spiritual terms, but your physical existence will occur in quite different conditions, too. Not only man will throw off the load of the past – all the negative energies and programmes of...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Communication between Fifth dimension people)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the Fifth dimension man and this time will dwell on the way energy exchange will occur between people. Since everything in the Universe is energy, the communication between all the living beings is interaction and interpenetration of energies. It concerns not only people but animals, plants and even elements. But now we will talk just about people who will be lucky to make Transition and live in the unipolar space of the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Emotions of Fifth dimension man)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about how the energy space of the Fifth dimension will influence emotional state of people. As you already know from the previous message, despite the relative energy homogeneity of a new world whose general background is the energies of Love and Unity, the mood of each person will be different depending on their emotional state and character, in other words, on their personal qualities. There one can also be sad or happy, experiencing the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Melody of Soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the energy component of the Fifth dimension man. As it has already been said in my previous message, their energy palette is rather rich despite the fact they exist in the unipolar world now. So, how is such diversity made possible in the high vibration space of the Fifth dimension? To get a better understanding of this, let us compare man to a musical instrument. You can imagine any instrument – the one you like most of...

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