WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Joint production)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the communes of the fourth dimension. One more element of them being successful is the ability to set joint production. It can be anything – growing vegetables and fruit, tailoring shops, making baker’s goods, repair shops, hairdressing salons and many more. They are the very groups that are based on common interests that have already been so much spoken about but they will be created on quite different principles. Well,...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sparse settlements)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you in more detail about communes that will inevitably start appearing on the Earth of the fourth dimension. And although we have already talked about them, this time I would like to lay special emphasis on interaction between people from the energy and psychic points of view. For this interaction to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to follow some rules. Before all, there should not be allowed density or, in other words,...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Slowly but surely when Soul asks for it)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For our talk on creation of communes and unions of people to be continued, I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of theirs. For any group to be successful, it is necessary to create truly harmonious relationships between all its members. And it is only possible to do it when everything occurs naturally. Any undertaking should get “ripe”. And if you start forcing the things even out of the best intentions, the outcome can be quite different from...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (According to vibrations and interests)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the way to avoid negative issues while living together in communes. At present it is becoming topical indeed since human vibrations are increasing with every single day and a lot of people are thinking of starting living BEYOND the third dimension world’s system that has had its days. I know that in many countries there are appearing groups of like-minded people who realize the impossibility of...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today there will be an unusual message since I see that many of you start losing faith in the soon victory of the Forces of Light. In connection with this I would like to remind you of one popular proverb: “Haste makes waste”. As a matter of fact, it has a deep message imprinted in it and this is what it is. In this case not to give way to “haste” does not imply sluggishness but calm, wisdom and lack of vain. Let us cite as an example the behaviour...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Relationships hierarchy)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to return to the issue of personal space of an individual and consider it from the physical point of view this time. We have already talked about the fact that all the attempts to get united in groups – schools, movements, settlements – in the third dimension world almost always turn out failures. The main obstacle on the way to success remains their participants’ mental duality. In all these groups either deliberately or...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (True desire of human Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you in more detail why I pay so much attention to the desires of your Soul and why it is so important for you to hear and feel them. As a matter of fact, this is the thing that you have been deprived of for centuries by the conquerors of your planet. All their efforts were aimed at suppressing the voice of the Divine human soul and leading human conscience the direction they need. As you see, they have almost succeeded in...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Following call of Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you can learn to live not in compliance with a programme but following the call of your Soul. No doubt, it implies some difficulties especially for those of you who have families. But one has always got an opportunity to change one’s behaviour in a polite and wise way not hurting one’s close people’s feelings. You can also involve them into the “orbit” of a new life – interesting, cheerful and full of on-the-spot...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Personal space “hygiene”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the human personal space and will talk about the way you can expand it as much as possible. Since the human energy space is closely connected with the physical one, ideally, each family member should have a room of their own. It is especially important for sleep since while sleeping one becomes especially vulnerable and astral beings can penetrate into one’s energy space. Acting on the premises that rarely indeed family...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Personal space)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss in more detail the personal space of an individual. What is it? Personal space is, before all, energy isolation from other people. And such isolation is quite possible to reach even being physically in the crowd. But it can only happen when a person’s vibration level exceeds manifold the vibration level of the people around, which itself sets invisible border between them. With the level of vibrations being the same the personal...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To break free from “the vicious circle”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message now I would like to talk to you about the way you can get over the inertia of your life and learn to introduce new elements into it unusual to you changing on the go the programme of your day, week, month and, generally speaking, that of all your life. In the third dimension world the majority of people have got used to following the beaten track planning their day literally in terms of minutes and making their schedules...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Having become goal-inspired)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why I return to the issue of your relationships with other people over and over again. I see that many of you have a somewhat distorted image of Transition. It seems to some of you that on a wonderful day you will cross the invisible border and find yourselves in a magic space of the Fifth dimension where everything will start working out harmoniously itself and all the people will treat each other with Unconditional...