LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Interaction with energy of time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message I would like to tell you more about your interaction with the energy of time. As you already know, one’s being in the moment of “here and now” is directly connected with this energy which in this case loses its “linearity”. Time simply gets lost in your own energy of estrangement from the third dimension world. You and the energy of time move to quite a different energy space with different laws reigning, both...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Phenomenon of time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about the phenomenon of time which energy changes its parameters in accordance with the vibrations it has to interact with. Since you still continue living in the world of the third dimension, whether you like it not, you have to adjust to its conditions so as to maintain some balance between the material and spiritual aspects of your life. The distortion of either of them inevitably leads to energy disbalance, which affects all...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (“Extendable” time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about how you can manage your time in a new way. As you already know, at the moment of “here and now” time acquires quite different parameters. It ceases to exist as such. This is exactly the reason why a person completely involved into some creative process takes no notice of minutes, hours, days and weeks passing by. They are absorbed in the favourite occupation indulging every minute of it. And if you compare these facts, you will...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine expediency)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To go on with my previous message’s issue, I would like to speak about children’s perception of life again in spite of the fact that you still remain in the third dimension world. I know that many of you can say that in this case you will seem a “black swan” or that it is dangerous to be too open and trusting in this world. And I will answer that it is really great skill to live completely trusting the world despite the things happening around. Yet,...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Be like children)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to a new topic that can be called “Life on new Earth”. It will contain many sections since you will have to forget all the things you have got used to in the third dimension world and learn to build life in a totally different way. And it will concern absolutely all aspects of your life. It will be a detailed “Manual on the Fifth dimension Earth life arrangement”. It has numerously been said that the condition of “Here and Now”...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Earth and Energy of Ascension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the Energy of Ascension that with every single day makes more and more influence on your planet and all the inhabitants of Earth. We will start with Earth that is Divine by nature. She absorbs this energy with Love and Gratitude. She treats it as dear, native and usual. She understands that this energy is salutary to her since her life in the third dimension world has come to its logical end. So, due to this energy your planet is...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Earth and Universe Energy of Supreme Creator of Universe)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the way your planet is influenced by the Universe Energy of Supreme Creator of the Universe. This one is already a full-fledged energy of the Fifth dimension and it was the very energy that played a crucial part in that Earth succeeded in breaking free from the third dimension space by her subtle bodies and has already passed the point of no return to it. And this is how it happened in practice. As Earth was interacting with new...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Earth and Energy of Supreme Creator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the interaction of Earth with the Energy of Supreme Creator of the Universe. This energy that resonates with the sixth chakra of a person remains native and usual for Earth since her third chakra has always remained open. Earth unlike people has never lost connection with her Soul, and this is exactly the reason why the countdown of her subtle sense organs starts with the heart chakra that in case of people is just the first step of...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now we will speak about how the Energy of Creator interacts with Earth. This energy interacts with the second chakra of your planet now that corresponds to the fifth chakra of a person. So, what does self-expression of Earth mean and how does the Energy of Creator help her with this? To start with, in the early days of humanity when people and Earth were living in perfect harmony, your planet was always fertile and friendly to people. The climate was...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy of Love and Light interaction with Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us continue speaking about interaction of Earth with new energies. Before all, I would like to remind you that her energy space embraces the totality of all her inhabitants’ energies. And since the energy chaos on Earth has reached its peak, in order to survive she has nothing else to do but to free from the heavy ballast dragging her down – to the bottom of an abyss. It is this process of deliverance that is going on at present at a speeded...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (New energies interaction with Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now we will consider the energies I told you about in my previous messages from a different perspective. We will speak about the way they interact not with man but with your planet this time. Since Earth is a living being, she has also got a subtle material structure. She is also in the process of her evolution. Yet, unlike a person who covers their way individually from incarnation to incarnation enriching their Soul with new experience gradually...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us continue speaking about the Energy of Ascension. So as to start using this energy in a mindful way, you should learn to get into resonance with it. Every time you invoke the Energy of Ascension try to concentrate all your attention on the “golden triangle” connecting your seventh and sixth chakras and the pineal gland. This way you will tune your Divine antenna in to reception of this energy. When you feel you vibrate at the same frequency as...