WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Independent civil position)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider the energy information component of people’s life who are at the fourth stage of the Revival of humanity. The fourth stage is mass spiritual revival. This category of people is quite large but, at the same time, of different vibrations. The people who have overcome the third stage and, consequently, started to realize a new reality still feature vibrations of various levels so far. That is why spiritual revival is experienced by each...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Those at the crossroads)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way the energy information component changes in respect of the people who are already at the third stage of Revival. Well, the third stage is awareness of a new reality. As a rule, this category features the people that have their fourth chakra well developed this time, as well as the mental body corresponding to it. Their conscience still being in the third dimension, can take the information beyond its frames though. And, first...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Disclosure and energy information component of man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will look into the way the second stage of Revival corresponds to the energy information component of humans. Well, the second stage is Disclosure. Little by little the true information about the events taking place on Earth starts leaking into the general public circles. And even the mainstream media, by grains though, tell people about going too far in these or those spheres of their life. As a result, the people who got used to getting...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy information component of human life and Revival stages)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now I would like to tell you about the way each of one’s Revival stages corresponds to one’s energy information life component. And we will start with the first stage. How do the people whose conscience is still at the very first stage of spiritual development take the crisis that has broken out on Earth – political, financial, social and, most important, spiritual? As a rule, the way “dictated” by their lower chakras: they are seized with...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Interaction of human subtle bodies with their energy information field)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about your step-by-step advancement to a new high vibration space. And today I would like to tell you about one more nicety of this process. As a matter of fact, your Revival stages are connected not only with extension and more profound understanding of the energy information component of your life but also with the change – rarefication – of your subtle bodies. Since each human subtle body conveys not only this or that energy...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Expanding perception scope)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start a new topic that is directly connected with the two previous ones that said about the stages of Revival of humanity and about the energy information component of your existence. This time we will talk about what unites them and how the energy information part of your life will be changing while you are passing these stages. Well, what unites these two topics? Since each stage of Revival implies a certain level of human conscience that as...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Things to remember about in any discussion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on the information energy component of your existence. What should you remember first of all when you start talking to someone or join a general discussion? First. Do not forget to set an energy shield at yourselves so as to keep your own energy space pure, which will allow you to convey this purity to the world sharing it with the people around. Second. If you would like to communicate some thought or...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (In close liaison)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to tell you about one more peculiarity of the present-day energy information condition of your planet. Since life is really “boiling” at her subtle level now, this makes an impact on the overall energy information background of Earth as well. As you already know, the energy and physical processes now in progress on the planet of Earth concern not only her inhabitants but also many other civilizations. It...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Change of energy information field of Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw your attention to one peculiarity of the present-day condition of the energy information field of Earth. Same as there get leveled – reach an average level – people’s vibrations during their communication, so do collective consciences of all inhabitants of Earth getting “adapted” to each other as well. And it happens because of the fact that your planet is home to a variety of her inhabitants: from mature enlightened and...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy information virus)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And there is one more peculiarity of the energy information exchange between people that I would like to tell you about. This time we will talk about mutual influence of interlocutors on each other. Sometimes it can be positive and salutary and sometimes – destructive and ruinous. Everything depends on the overall energy background of the people who joined a discussion or an argument. As a rule, when two people meet and start talking, their vibrations come...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress from our topic and talk about the current events on your planet. What changes have occurred here for several weeks? Of course, we will focus not on well-known facts but on the processes in progress behind the scenes both at the subtle and physical level. In terms of energy your planet has already entered the space of the fourth dimension to a full degree. At the physical level it shows in enhancement of confrontation between the Forces...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One’s opinion inspired by a stranger)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of communication between people. Sometimes one does not have one’s own opinion but simply pronounces the things learnt from others. Besides, one thing contradicts another, yet, one has got so used to trust recognized “experts” that obediently repeats their words even not noticing contradictions or discord. What kind of energy do such people convey to their...