Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the things that await you in coming months. With autumn approaching, when a lot of people come back from holiday and vocations, globalists are planning to become more active in intimidating of the planet’s population making use of their methods well-tried in many countries of the world. They have now new strains of viruses at call as well as “reliable” vaccines that were developed against them. What is more,...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Actual picture of current events)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to summarize our talk on integral mentality. Well, what should you do to develop it? Before all, it is necessary to maintain your vibrations at the level of your upper chakras that are a bridge between the physical and subtle worlds. Without this it would be impossible to reach the intuitive reality perception that is the main component of integral mentality. The next step can become your ability to...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Way of thinking)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to talk in more detail about logical and abstract mentality. And for a start, let us recall such expression as “way of thinking”. It is actually based on abstract perception of reality that goes beyond the bounds of linear mentality. Such notion as “way” does not imply anything specific itself – unchangeable or merely material but rather something imaginary – the things that are incited by...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Integral mentality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about what integral way of thinking is, the one that is typical of the Fifth dimension man and the one you should develop already now. This is the key to new reality perception that is at the threshold of your life this time. In the dual world human mentality is linear, as well as time that you live in. Therefore, it can be so hard for you to cover by your conscience all the picture of the events that are taking place in the...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Smooth Transition)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you in more details why I always draw a parallel between the third and Fifth dimensions and appeal you to bridge them already now. I know that many of you think that as soon as you cross the border line between the dimensions, you will find yourselves in a fairy-tale and your life will turn into an endless party. To some extent it will be really so, yet, one can have enough of parties eventually, too or, to be exact, they...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Principle of conglomeration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to offer you a practice that will help you bring to harmony the energy profile of your team at work or a group of like-minded people. You can also use it in your family, too since this practice is universal and is designed to level vibrations of people who for these or those reasons have to be in one energy space for a long time. It is based on the principle of conglomeration. And in this case it is to...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Team or community of like-minded people)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to combine two topics that were discussed in my recent messages and find common features of such notions as “team” and “community of like-minded people”. At first sight, they are very similar to each other but, as a matter of fact, the difference between them is huge and what is of great importance here is the energy component. Before all, a team in the third dimension world is made up not on the initiative of each of its...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One mentality vector)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to focus on one more aspect of such notion as “like-minded” people. Its meaning is implied by the word itself: “mentality alike”. But as you already know, everyone is so unique that one mentality is almost impossible to reach even with nearest and dearest. This is the reason why it should be taken wisely and calmly. As a matter of fact, one vector of mentality is already enough for quite harmonious...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Trust but check)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one peculiarity of the third dimension world humans that features both advantages and disadvantages. And at issue will be your desire to find like-minded people whatever it takes, the ones who will understand you and support in all your initiatives. This innate desire of humans who are not to live alone according to their nature is often taken advantage of by your ill-wishers for their mercenary interests. I know that many of...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more quality of the third dimension world human that is common for most inhabitants of the Universe. And at issue will be intuition that is, actually, typical of many but not everyone can recognize it and make use of it in their everyday life. Intuition is the voice of Soul therefore it is possible to hear it only for those who have it. But you already know that on Earth there are a huge number of both soulless creatures: clones,...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Power of Spirit)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about such human quality as stamina in both its manifestations – physical and moral. As a matter of fact, this quality can do you an invaluable favour in the world of the Fifth dimension especially in the beginning – during the period of getting accustomed to the new realities of your life. As you already know, assurance coefficient of human body is high indeed – another thing is that not everyone can make use of...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Our “little” brothers)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about love to animals with you, which is typical of many people of the third dimension world. On the Earth of the Fifth dimension your communication with the representatives of animal kingdom will advance to quite a distinct level. What will it mean? At present a lot of people have distortions in terms of their attitude to animals in this or that way. Some people are indifferent to them, while others, on the contrary, show excessive love...