WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Top priority task)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you one more practice that will help you rearrange your subconscience the new way thereby making it consistent with your high vibration conscience. And it is as follows. Every time you feel that you are being overwhelmed with the third dimension emotions, in thoughts go back to your “cellar” of subconscience and, having activated your Crystal of Love, search for the “saboteur” that dared to upset your balanced...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Purification of subconscience with Universe Energy of Unconditional Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to combine two previous topics and talk about the way your subconscience can be influenced by the energy of Unconditional Love. As you already know, it is this energy that makes the basis of the life in higher dimension worlds. Absolutely everything is impregnated with it there: human chakras and subtle bodies and, of course, human conscience. But already now you can integrate it into your subconscience so as to advance it to a new level...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Weeding” of subconscience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to consider the fourth dimension man subconscience from a little different perspective. Since the previous messages said about the gradual convergence of conscience and subconscience of a person who has completely moved to the fourth dimension space, now I would like to talk with you in some detail about the process of their interaction. As it has already been mentioned in my recent message, while it is within your depth to control your...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Always think about good things)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the things you should do to combine your conscience and subconscience or, at least, to minimize the gap between them. We will act on the premise that you have already done the practice “Getting rid of inner saboteurs” and, consequently, even if you have not completely eliminated unconscious reactions typical of the third dimension world man, you have reduced them to the minimum. It is...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Indicators” of your being in the fourth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the conscience and subconscience of the fourth dimension man. But now I would like to focus on the idea that these notions themselves will start changing in a new high vibration space. Gradually human conscience and subconscience will reach one level of vibrations or, in other words, merge, for a new reality will not require humans now to have those hidden innate instincts that helped them survive in the third dimension...