Month: November 2021


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Burnt bridges)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress from the topic of building a new society on the Earth of the Fifth dimension and will talk about your last steps in the third dimension world. I see that many of you start exaggerating and painting all your previous life black. Of course, we talked a lot about injustice of the modern society, its spiritual impoverishment, the mentality and behaviour patterns imposed on you. All this really exists and in recent years it has just got...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Learning game)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue talking about the children who are to grow during this hard period of Earth’s Transition to a new dimension. Now, at the junction of two epochs there will be in progress not only people’s conscience breaking but that of the whole education system as well since the old one will not be able to exist on the new Earth, while the new one has not been formed yet. Therefore, so as to save child’s psyche from inconsistence...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Future generation)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of the role you assume on the Earth of the Fifth dimension, today I would like to talk about your children since it is them who are to build new life on your planet in consistence with new principles this time. Education and bringing up of crystal children that come to Earth now require quite a different approach. And today I would like to draw attention to the role played by parents in these children’s personality maturity...

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