Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today on the orthodox Easter eve I would like to summarize the recent events taking place both on Earth and at her subtle level. In spite of the fact that it seems to you there are little changes so far, the most horrible things are over now. There has occurred the very quantitative overbalance of consciences of ancient human souls that are embodied on Earth now in favour of Light. It is not noticeable so far because most of Earth’s population is still...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Rescue team)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will focus on one more aspect of interaction of the Light Forces and the Dark ones. And this time we will talk about the way the Light Forces help stray souls that got stuck in the astral to ascend to a higher level of the subtle world. Sometimes human souls that left the physical level cannot break free from the astral captivity for a long time since at the death their vibrations were too low. But if Maternal Soul sees that its particle has the...