Month: May 2019


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Energy exchange between a human and a reptiloid)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I am going to tell you about the way energy exchange happens between a human being and a reptiloid. To begin with, their chakra systems are quite different from each other. Most of reptiloids live by the three lower chakras that help them to have their feet very firm on the ground and assert themselves due to it. In other words, they are ultimately earthly creatures altogether deprived of heavenly – Divine – energy connection. The three upper human...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Life in all its diversity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages on reptiloids. I see that many of you have taken the messages in different ways: for some people the information came as a shock and they were scared by it, for others it resulted in aggression and the desire to act the way you are used to in the dual world – the enemy is identified and should be defeated. Yet, my dear ones, neither of the approaches can be right. While dictating these messages I...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from the topic and tell you about energy peculiarities of the recent days. Probably, some of you noticed that since the middle of April quite unusual energies have been arriving to Earth. They are not simply powerful but really mighty and rich. It can be said that the high vibration frequency energies showering Earth nowadays have undergone the transition from quantity to a new quality. And today I would like to explain to you...

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