The Center for Spiritual Development

"Real spirituality lies in completely dissolving oneself in Unconditional Love for everyone and for everything in the world. It is a complete absence of judgment, criticism, and control of other people. It is a complete inner freedom from stereotypes and cliches of behavior and lifestyle, imposed on people. It is such state of the soul when the soul wants to sing all the time, and when not a single negative thought or emotion could even come close to such a person, because they are encircled by the impenetrable veil of Love.""

God - Father


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy flows)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message I would like to give you some details on what energy flows are. A human being is such a complex and many-sided creature that they can create both inside and outside themselves a world of their own, with its versatility sometimes making it heterogeneous in terms of vibrations. And this is how it happens. Since your restless Mind is constantly in search of “food”, it starts dreaming and making up various...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Harmony in soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on the way surrounding reality influences your psyche. And we will study subtle – energy – mechanisms of this interaction. As I have already told you as long as man was descending to the third dimension world their Soul’s core – their Spirit – was getting weaker and weaker, and this is the reason why human psyche has lost its harmony and equilibrium. While the spiritual and earthly facets of man used to be balanced and...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is addressed to those of you struck by disappointment, while some have even given way to despondency because of the unexpected outcome of the situation in the country that has recently been collecting eyes of the whole world. It seems to you that the Dark Forces have won. But can a victory be like this, my dear? It is actually a defeat indeed since the people who supposedly came to power are hated not only by their nation but also by...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Soul abduction)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about what person can be regarded as psychically “sound” or “deficient” keeping in mind their psychic “health”, of course. My previous message said that in modern society the term “psychically deficient” is often applied to any person who does not comply with the confines of the existing value system since they have their own opinion and do not follow the mentality and behaviour stereotypes being imposed on...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Psychic health)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about what human psyche is. And now we will focus on its spiritual facet – the one that they have been trying to stifle for many centuries and the one that now with the arrival of new energies is trying to awake from its “lethargic sleep”. Generally speaking, human psyche is always dependent on the state of their SOUL that determines the properties and peculiarities of the former. You see, here Soul comes into picture...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (The notion of human psyche)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what human psyche is in a broad meaning of this word. The word “psyche” itself derives from the Greek word “soul”. And of course, it is not incidental. It was Soul that guided all the thoughts, emotions and actions of people in the early days of humanity when they were closely connected with the Creator. Yet, as they were gradually descending to the world of the third dimension, this connection was becoming poorer and...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human psyche characteristics)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to start a new topic that we will call “Human psyche characteristics”. And we will consider it from the height of your new conscience this time though sometimes you will have to rely on the experience you got in the dual world since in this incarnation you have no experience of living in the unipolar world. And this is what I mean. So as to master the principles of existence in the reality new to you and having tuned your thoughts,...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Conditions for valid telepathic communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to finish the series of my messages on telepathic communication. As you have probably understood, you do not have to wait for the moment when you move into the Fifth dimension, you can start practising it right now. But to make this new type of communication an integral part of your life, the following conditions are required. First. Purity of your conscience. Only having freed itself from all the negative and alien programmes, it will be...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Types of telepathic communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we have reached the point of summarizing my series of messages on telepathic communication and today I would like to provide you with the classification of all its types. So, we will move from easy things to complex ones. The first type can be referred to as emotional interchange when people exchange energies, with their information component being rather conditional. Thus, people not resonating with each other in terms of energy feel discontent or ill...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be somewhat unexpected to you since, as you have probably noticed, it is not typical of me to comment on the events taking place on Earth in detail. I would like you to think independently, rely on your intuition and make your own conclusions. But now I find it necessary to tell you in some details about what is happening on your planet since I see that even the firmest of you are a little at a loss and stake it all on the person...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Emotional interchange)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more aspect of telepathic communication that for convenience can be called emotional interchange. Each of you has been using it unintentionally for a long time but it is time to start learning to regulate this process. Remember that often without words you feel someone got offended to you and somebody else, on the contrary, shows love to you. It happens because you scan this person’s emotions sometimes even being unaware of the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (At the same vibration wave)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now I would like to go on with the issue of telepathic communication and consider it from the practical application point of view. Yet, this time by the word “practical” I mean a little different thing, not the one you are used to. Since telepathic communication is the prerogative of the Fifth dimension, all the related notions convey another meaning – unipolar and high vibration one. Well, today we will look into one of its aspects. The practical side...

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