Month: July 2022



Hello, dear earthlings! We have decided to talk to you again since the events on Earth are developing now not in a favourable way. Unfortunately, of all the possible courses of developments humanity has followed one of the most difficult. And it is accounted for by several reasons. The main of them is inertness of the majority of people that eventually failed to understand all the tragedy of the situation that arose in recent years on Earth. The representatives of the Light Forces have already...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Individual contribution to making Transition closer)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one more peculiarity of Transition which is in that it gets revealed to each of you in a specific way. For a start, I would like to remind you that any transition into a higher dimension means, first of all, human conscience transition into this high vibration space. And since each person’s conscience has its unique characteristics, multivariance of consciences with all individual peculiarities and shades of each of you...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unintentional and intentional travel to Fifth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I will give you several tips on how to learn to move from the fourth dimension to the Fifth one for a longer time so that your conscience and your body get adapted to it more quickly. You can move there unintentionally and intentionally. Unintentionally it happens when you get somewhere nice being at the harmonious condition of “here and now”. Then you simply fall out of the present-day reality gradually moving to...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Between fourth and Fifth dimensions)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the changes that will occur to you as long as you start to cross the border line separating the fourth dimension from the Fifth one more and more often. It will happen to each of you when your vibrations will allow you to plunge into the high vibration space of the Fifth dimension with no detriment to your psyche or physical body. We have already spoken a lot about the fact that abrupt transition from the third...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Union of two loving hearts)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to touch upon one more aspect of human life in the fourth dimension. And it concerns family relations, their external “design” to be exact. Why do you think in the third dimension world so much attention is paid to the legal affixment of relationships between man and woman? Perhaps, the answer is such an expression as “a union sealed by the marriage bond”. Feel the energy background of this word combination. Don’t you think it...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Since one’s student days)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about what the education of the fourth dimension world will be like. We have already talked a lot on this topic but at issue generally was pre-school and school education: the way it will radically change and will be based on the Laws of the Universe study and everything it concerns. That is why today we will focus on higher education whose structure will considerably differ from the one you are used to. But first, let us remember what...

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