Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about the things that are now in progress on Earth in the camp of the Dark Forces. You see, they are in such a hurry to compress their programme on humanity enslavement in all the spheres of your life as much as possible. For this purpose they have brought into action all their resources – military, political, economic, financial and informational. Yet, everything they are doing now has been brought not simply to the point of...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Taking one’s psychotype into consideration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about human relationships and will concentrate on one more peculiarity of theirs. As you already know, in the dual world the leading idea of any relationships is most often self-assertion of this or that kind. Some people show it in an open aggressive form and some others, on the contrary, in quite a mild – disguised one. While in the former case one does not conceal one’s intentions to suppress the will of another person and...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (If one is ready to hear you)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about human relationships in general leaving apart the energy component spoken about in my previous messages. I understand that so far not all of you can catch the energy nuance of your interlocutor. That is why now I will give you some general recommendations that will enable you to develop relationships with people during the Transition from the third dimension to the fourth one. The first thing you should pay attention to while...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy “palpation”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued today we will talk about the way you can get tuned onto another person’s vibrations more efficiently. It is extremely important to do it fast – literally on the go. I know that many of you can identify one’s general level of vibrations even not making use of the chakra scale. Yet, so far, it is more likely to be called “rough” tuning since your general impression is limited to such estimations as a “low...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Keys to “fine” tuning)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about whether one can control the “fine” energy tuning or everything occurs naturally without one’s participation. Of course, one can since one’s conscience not only creates reality but relationships with other people as well. Same as a grown-up explaining something to a child tries to find the simplest words and images that they can understand, so a spiritually advanced person of high levels of vibrations can artificially decrease...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Fine” energy tuning)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the so-called “fine” energy tuning in the interaction of both between people and different countries. As you already know, “rough” energy tuning is closely connected with the community of mentality that can be based on both religion and worldview in general – spiritual, material, pragmatic and, first of all, the energies that nourish them. And it is this basis that “fine” energy...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (War of mentalities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the energy borders between different countries. Generally speaking, the same mechanism operates here as in relationships between people, that is, there occurs “rough” and “fine” energy tuning. In this case one of such “tuning factors” can be one religion that promotes convergence of these or those countries. The thing is that each religion, its egregor to be exact, conveys a certain...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy borders)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the way you can learn to delete the energy borders both between the people around you and between states. But first, it is necessary to understand what energy borders are. As for people, they are their aura contours or, in other words, their personal energy space. They are the very “cocoon” that one’s physical body and all subtle ones are embraced with. In case of some people it is very dense, while in that of...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Integration of countries and nations)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will expand the meaning of such notions as communes and interaction between people and will advance it to the intergovernmental level. As you know, relationships between different countries can be various: some countries cooperate and support each other, while others are at war with each other. Of course, it happens most often at management level of these countries, yet, the mentality of their population makes a difference too, as well as its...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Rough” and “fine” tuning of relationships)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk with you in more detail about the mechanism of interaction between people. To make it easier for you to understand it, you can imagine man as a radio set that can easily catch both long and short waves of other people. But in this case by long waves we will mean general similar energies and by short ones – their shades now, that is, individual character peculiarities. And so as to find your kindred soul indeed, in one there...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy gamut of match)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will again talk about the energy factor of interaction between people. As a matter of fact, even having advanced to the level of vibrations one with somebody, it is not always possible to develop really harmonious relationships. And the thing is in personal energy profile of an individual. Just as one’s personality it is unique and distinctive. One’s energy profile can be tough and soft, severe and gently,...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Communes of fourth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start a new topic with you, and at issue will be the relationships of people in the world of the fourth dimension that will start to form on Earth very soon. I know that already now some enthusiasts try to arrange communes or groups of interests but even the best initiatives often end up with bad disappointment. Why does this happen? Of course, the main reason is that the vibration gap of these groups’ participants is too huge. A lot of...