Month: July 2019


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Reptilods’ and humans’ egregors’ confrontation)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on discussing energy confrontation and this time we will speak about the way it shows itself in the society in general. It is common knowledge that social stratification has reached its climax as all the chief resources of your planet are in the grip of a small group of people – the so-called hidden government. It is them who dictate laws ultimately meeting demands of reptiloids in every sphere of human life. In terms of energy long ago...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Admiration for authorities)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will also talk about the things that prevent you from acting in a confident way moving towards your Ascension and being completely dedicated to it. One of them is your ineradicable habit to idolize someone – those who you look up at and whose lips you hang on. This habit has been imposed on your subconscience for centuries. In order to implement their programme “Divide and rule” all through the history reptiloids have been creating and...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to round up with the series of messages on self-cognition and self-esteem. These notions have a lot in common, yet, they differ at the same time. While self-cognition presupposes work of Soul and getting to know oneself from inside self-esteem is greatly influenced by outside factors, which was spoken about in detail in my previous messages. So, why is it so important to thoroughly get to know oneself – cognize and objectively estimate...

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