Month: April 2019


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Enslaving programme in action)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on discussing the structure created by reptiloids on Earth but this time we will focus not on its energy component but on the physical one and learn how they implement their programmes. So, we start with the high caste reptiloids who are action and programme “legislators” for the rest of this race’s representatives lower at the hierarchy ladder. It is this caste that is the cruelest and the most cynical one setting at naught both...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Reptiloids community structure)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will try to describe the structure of the net that reptiloids have weaved around Earth, which was spoken about in my first message. In fact, it is a very complex multistage, multilevel and multidimensional programme developed by the Dragon civilization so as there is not an inch unsupervised by reptiloids. And they have been a success in this. To help you visualize this you can imagine the globe covered in a net of bee’s cells. Inside a big bee...

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